Vol. 30, Issue 1, pp. 62-67

Vol. 30 Issue 1 pp. 62-67

Laser ion sources for various applications

Wolowski Jerzy, Parys Piotr, Woryna Eugeniusz, Krasa Josef, Laska Leos, Rohlena Karel, Gammino Santo, Ciavola Giovanni, Torrisi Lorenzo, Boody Fred P., Hopfl Reinhard, Hora Heinrich, Haseroth Helmuth


Presents the results of studies of ion emission from the high-Z plasma generated using short wavelength, short pulse lasers: Nd:glass laser at the IPPLM in Warsaw and iodine laser PERUN at the IP ASCR in Prague. These studies were motivated mainly by the laser-produced plasma applications as a heavy ion source for particle accelerators and for ion implantation. The properties of highly charged ion streams were investigated by ion diagnostic methods: ion collectors and a cylindrical electrostatic energy analyzer. The results proved the existence of highly charged ions with charges 2>40 (measured zmax=55 for Ta) and with energies of several MeV in a far expansion zone. Ion current densities higher than 20 mA/cm2 at about 1 m from the target were demonstrated. Construction of an effective laser heavy ion source seems thus to be not a principal, but rather a technological problem. ECLISE experiment (ECR ion source coupled to a laser ion source for charge state enhancement) has been founded by INFN LNS in Catania and preliminary experiments have been carried out at the IPPLM in Warsaw, in order to confirm the beneficial effects of the axial magnetic field of the ECR ion source on the extraction of ions from the LIS, and to evaluate the ion energy, which is the critical parameter for the coupling process. Direct implantation of ions from laser produced plasma has been investigated using the PERUN laser system at the IP ASCR in Prague. Attention was devoted mainly to the properties of the ion streams from the laser-produced plasmas (Sn, Pb, Ag) as well as to the direct implantation of those ions into different materials.

Vol. 30
Issue 1
pp. 62-67

0.42 MB
OPTICA APPLICATA - a quarterly of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology