Vol. 39, Issue 1, pp. 91-99

Vol. 39 Issue 1 pp. 91-99

An analysis of an optical vortices interferometer with focused beam

Ewa Fraczek, Grzegorz Budzyn


optical vortex, interferometry


In recent years a lot of effort was put into testing and improving the idea of a three-beam interferometer known as an optical vortices interferometer (OVI). Devices based on the idea of the OVI allow measuring small rotation angles and small shifts with a superb resolution. Unfortunately, there are still many problems that have to be solved before an OVI-based device can go into production. In this paper, theoretical calculations and experimental results of using another type of OVI, OVI with focused beam, are presented. The results of measuring small displacements and small rotation angles of reflecting areas are also shown.

Vol. 39
Issue 1
pp. 91-99

0.26 MB
OPTICA APPLICATA - a quarterly of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology