Vol. 41, Issue 1, pp. 269-271

Vol. 41 Issue 1 pp. 269-271

Relation between side fluorescence and laser emission in an infrared-to-visible upconversion ZBLAN erbium-doped fiber

Franciszek Kaczmarek


infrared-to-visible upconversion fiber laser


The relation between spontaneous and induced emission, and to some extend amplified spontaneous emission in an optical fiber, due to its very elongated active media shape (pencil-like shape) is different as compared to small dimension laser active media (like ruby, neodymium glass, semiconductors, etc.) We have measured the relation between the laser emission and the spontaneous side emission in an erbium doped ZBLAN fiber and found that the spontaneous side emission did not decrease at the laser threshold. In this way, there is no sharp jump in intensity, measured at the fiber terminal when crossing the laser threshold. Furthermore, there is no competition between the spontaneous emission and the laser one.

Vol. 41
Issue 1
pp. 269-271

0.17 MB
OPTICA APPLICATA - a quarterly of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology