Vol. 41, Issue 2, pp. 409-416

Vol. 41 Issue 2 pp. 409-416

Injection, separation and fluorimetric detection of DNA in glass lab-on-a-chip for capillary gel electrophoresis

Wojciech Kubicki, Rafal Walczak, Jan Dziuban


lab-on-a-chip, capillary gel electrophoresis, DNA


Great attention is paid to develop lab-on-a-chip (LOC) for high-performance analysis of genetic material. Capillary gel electrophoresis is an efficient method of DNA analysis, including detection of potentially oncogenic genetic mutations. In this paper, glass LOC for capillary gel electrophoresis of DNA samples, as well as laboratory set-up for electrophoretic separation and fluorimetric detection of nucleic acids, are presented. Nanolitre genetic material specimen was on-chip injected and separated utilizing a high voltage automatic management system. Fluorochrome labeled DNA strands were sized by fragment length within a few minutes. Detection was performed by a laser/CCD-based miniature fluorimetric system equipped with specialized software for fluorescence signal recognition, analysis and storage.

Vol. 41
Issue 2
pp. 409-416

1.29 MB
OPTICA APPLICATA - a quarterly of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology