Vol. 47, Issue 1, pp. 141-155

Vol. 47 Issue 1 pp. 141-155

Image encryption algorithm by using the logistic map and discrete fractional angular transform

Jing Yu, Yuan Li, Xinwen Xie, Nanrun Zhou, Zhihong Zhou


image encryption, logistic map, discrete fractional angular transform


A new image encryption scheme based on logistic map and discrete fractional angular transform has been proposed. In the proposed scheme, the original image is encrypted with the random sequence generated by the logistic map, and the encrypted image is subsequently processed by the discrete fractional angular transform, which produces the ciphertext after double encryptions. The parameters of the logistic map and the order of the discrete fractional angular transform serve as the main keys of the image encryption algorithm. Simulation results show that the proposed image encryption algorithm can effectively resist the attacks of statistical analysis, and has acceptable encryption effect and security.

Vol. 47
Issue 1
pp. 141-155

2.62 MB
OPTICA APPLICATA - a quarterly of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology