Vol. 34, Issue 4, pp. 597-606

Vol. 34 Issue 4 pp. 597-606

Modern applications of high frequency acoustooptics

Vladimir Petrov


high frequency acoustooptics, acoustooptical interaction, light diffraction, piezotransducer, matching, deflector, modulator, filter, holographic display


The milestone applications of high frequency acoustooptics are discussed. The acoustooptical (AO) components such as Bragg modulator (including standing and running wave modulators), deflectors, others on very high frequencies (up to 10 GHz) working in wide frequency range (up to 3 GHz) are considered. Some review of traditional and modern uses is given. The main principles and peculiarities of Bragg cells design are discussed. The results of experimental investigation appear to correspond with theoretical predictions. The specific problems which are stipulated by a very high frequency range are considered. These are: great influence of sound attenuation; peculiarities of interaction geometry and light aperture formation; multilayer transducer features; electrical matching with electromagnetic power wave guide. The ways of optimizing the parameters of high frequency Bragg cells are discussed.

Vol. 34
Issue 4
pp. 597-606

0.48 MB
OPTICA APPLICATA - a quarterly of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology