
Instructions for authors

Papers will be considered for publication in Optica Applicata if they have not been previously published elsewhere. They should deal with original research in applied optics and may contain experimental as well as theoretical results. All papers will be a subject of refereeing.

The author(s) of the paper(s) submitted to publication and published in Optica Applicata agree to exclusive transfer of the due copyright to the publisher.

The authors receive one copy of the manuscript (with changes suggested by the Editor) for his acceptance and this copy sent back to the Editor will be the basis for all the proof-reading made by the editorial staff. The Editors reserve themselves the right charge to the author for the alterations in the proof other than the correction of printer's errors.

Manuscript submission

To submit a new manuscript to Optica Applicata please use our on-line editorial system. You will be guided step by step through the creation and uploading files. The system automatically converts your files to a single pdf file, which will be used in peer-review.

Manuscripts should be prepared according to the journal styles (see Manuscript Preparation section below). For the first submission all the components of the manuscript (text, figures, tables, references) should be included in a single file. After manuscript acceptance, the authors will be asked to upload figures separately for production process. Manuscript length should be limited to 12 pages.

All articles published in Optica Applicata will be charged with a processing fee of 300 EUR (320 USD, 1265 PLN).

Manuscript preparation

For detailed instructions please follow the links below.

Corresponding address

Optica Applicata
Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology
Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27
50-370 Wrocław, Poland


Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology
Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27
50-370 Wrocław, Poland

Contact us

  • +48 71 320 23 93
  • +48 71 328 36 96