Article processing charges (APCs)

Article processing charge

Optica Applicata is an open access journal freely available to all readers. To publish in Optica Applicata, authors are asked to pay an article processing charge (APC). The APC only applies if the article is accepted for publication after peer-review and possible revision of the manuscript. There are no charges for rejected articles, no submission charges, and no surcharges based on the length of an article or color figures.

The APCs for all published articles are as follows:

PolandPLN 1265 (23% VAT included)
Europe€ 300
Rest of the world$ 320

We may accept partial payments or offer waivers to authors not capable to cover APCs.
Accepted articles will not be published until payment has been received. Refunds are not possible once article has been published.

Payment details

On-line payment can be made after logging to the Editorial System.

In case this is impossible for any reason, payment can be also made by bank transfer directly to the following account:

Payment in USD

Account owner:Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław
Bank's name:Santander Bank Polska
Account number:PL 75 1090 2402 0000 0006 1000 0623
Transfer title:W11/Optica Applicata/ fee for the article no.

Payment in EUR

Account owner:Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław
Bank's name:Santander Bank Polska
Account number:PL 91 1090 2402 0000 0006 1000 0626
Transfer title:W11/Optica Applicata/ fee for the article no.

Payment in PLN

Właściciel konta:Politechnika Wrocławska, ul. Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław
Nazwa Banku:Santander Bank Polska
Numer konta:PL 37 1090 2402 0000 0006 1000 0434
Transfer title:W11/Optica Applicata/ fee for the article no.

Regulations of paying article processing charge

  • These regulations define the rules of payment of the Article Processing Charges (APC) for the manuscripts accepted for publication in Optica Applicata
  • The service Organizer is Wrocław University of Science and Technology established by the National Council Decree of 24 August 1945, published in the Journal of Law of 1945 of 19 September 1945, having its registered office at 27 Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego, 50-370 Wroclaw, NIP 8960005851, REGON 000001614.
  • On-line payment service is provided by PayU SA having its registered office in Poznan, 60-182 Poznań, 182 Grunwaldzka Street, entered in the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court Poznań - Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the number 0000274399, having NIP: 779-23-08-495.
  • Before making payment through the on-line portal, the user accepts these Regulations and simultaneously agrees that the Organizer can process the users personal data for the purposes related to publication process and issuing the invoice. The author’s personal data will be kept confidential and not be used for other purposes.
  • On-line payment can be made by the user having account in the Editorial System accessible from the website of Optica Applicata journal. After logging to the Editorial System and clicking the button Payment, the user will be redirected to the PayU portal supporting on-line payments.
  • After completing payment, the user receives an email confirmation of the transaction to the address indicated in the account.
  • The Organizer can accept partial payments or offer waivers to author not capable to cover APCs.
  • Accepted articles will not be published until payment has been received. Refunds are possible only for the manuscripts withdrawn from the publication on request of the author. Refunds are not possible once article has been published.
  • The Organizer bears no responsibility if the user supplies false or misleading information, if the user cannot access the on-line payment portal as a result of using wrong browser, incorrect configuration of software or hardware.
  • The Organizer reserves the right to change these Regulations. The Organizer will inform about the change in the Regulations on the website of Optica Applicata journal. In this case, changes in the Regulations come into force on the day of their publication on the website and do not have retroactive effect.

Corresponding address

Optica Applicata
Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology
Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27
50-370 Wrocław, Poland


Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology
Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27
50-370 Wrocław, Poland

Contact us

  • +48 71 320 23 93
  • +48 71 328 36 96