Vol. 38, Issue 4, pp. 643-655

Vol. 38 Issue 4 pp. 643-655

Optimization of two- dimensional photonic crystal waveguides for TE and TM polarizations

Mohammad Danaie, Amir Reza Attari, Mir Mojtaba Mirsalehi, Sasan Naseh


photonic crystal waveguides, photonic bandgaps, optimization


In this paper, we optimize the geometries of some 2D photonic crystal waveguides to increase their single-mode bandwidths for TE and TM polarizations. Using the Plane Wave Expansion (PWE) method combined with optimization algorithm, we find the local maxima as well as the global maximum. A photonic crystal waveguide geometry is proposed which has a single-mode normalized bandwidth of 41% for TM polarization. This value is about 7% greater than the corresponding value for the commonly used square lattice of dielectric rods in which a row is removed. Also, some waveguide geometries are proposed for TE polarization and it is shown that one of these geometries can provide a single-mode bandwidth of 39%, while the widest bandwidth reported so far for the TE case is 21%. The dielectric material used for both cases is GaAs with a dielectric constant of 11.4.

Vol. 38
Issue 4
pp. 643-655

0.44 MB
OPTICA APPLICATA - a quarterly of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology