Vol. 40, Issue 2, pp. 341-349

Vol. 40 Issue 2 pp. 341-349

Determination of electrokinetic potential of porous glasses by methods of streaming potential, electroosmosis and electrophoresis

Anna Volkova, Ludmila Ermakova, Maria Volkova, Tatyana V. Antropova


electrokinetic potential, electroosmotic flow


Complex research of structural and electrokinetic characteristics of nano- and the ultraporous glasses prepared from sodium borosilicate (SBG) glass DV1-Sh in KCl background solutions of various concentrations in a wide pH range has been performed. It is shown that for ultraporous membranes with the sizes of porous channels r in the range 10–70 nm appreciable electroosmotic flows and a good agreement of electrokinetic potential values determined by three different methods are observed. It is established that for nanoporous (r < 10 nm) glass membranes change of electroosmotic flow velocity with time is due to the development of concentration polarization.

Vol. 40
Issue 2
pp. 341-349

0.73 MB
OPTICA APPLICATA - a quarterly of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology