Vol. 40, Issue 3, pp. 609-614

Vol. 40 Issue 3 pp. 609-614

Application of microscope thermography in testing temperature distribution in a semiconductor laser

Janusz Rybinski, Michal Bednarek, Przemyslaw Wisniewski, Tomasz Swietlik


microscope thermography, blue lasers, semiconductor lasers


Microscope thermography with the use of thermovision camera with spatial resolution 8 μm was applied in testing temperature distribution in semiconductor lasers produced on the basis of nitrides. The conducted tests have shown that the microscope thermography has a potential in characterizing microelectronic devices like semiconductor laser diodes and can be considered as a complementary tool in establishing thermal characteristics of these devices.

Vol. 40
Issue 3
pp. 609-614

1.3 MB
OPTICA APPLICATA - a quarterly of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology