Vol. 43, Issue 2, pp. 247-259

Vol. 43 Issue 2 pp. 247-259

Focus shaping of Weierstrass solid immersion lens by an axisymmetric Bessel-modulated Gaussian beam

Xiangmei Dong, Tao Geng, Songlin Zhuang


Weierstrass solid immersion lens, Bessel-modulated Gaussian beam, vector diffraction theory


Weierstrass solid immersion lens (SIL) has been used to obtain superresolution because a smaller focal size is desirable. In this paper, focus shaping of Weierstrass SIL illuminated by an axisymmetric Bessel-modulated Gaussian beam (QBG beam) is investigated. It has been found theoretically that the sharper focusing of Weierstrass SIL disappears for a certain beam order of QBG beam. For case of a smaller beam order, the focus still locates on the plane of Weierstrass SIL and Weierstrass SIL still plays a tighter focusing role. However, when the beam order increases continuously, the focus lefts the plane of Weierstrass SIL, and shifts along an optical axis considerably. In addition, under condition of the higher beam order, the dependence of the focal shift on the beam order is nearly linear, which may be used to alter a focal position conveniently.

Vol. 43
Issue 2
pp. 247-259

0.52 MB
OPTICA APPLICATA - a quarterly of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology