Vol. 53, Issue 1, pp. 111-126

Vol. 53 Issue 1 pp. 111-126

Performance analysis of MPPM FSO transmission over Gamma–Chi-square strong atmospheric turbulence

Jelena Todorovic, Petar Spalevic, Stefan Panic, Majid Hamid Abdullah, Ivan Pantelic


FSO – free space optical, ABER – average bit error rate, MPPM – multi-pulse pulse-position, novel Gamma–Chi-square distribution, channel model, strong atmospheric turbulence


In this paper, performance analysis of free space optical (FSO) system operating in conditions of strong atmospheric turbulence over Gamma–Chi-square turbulence model, has been carried out. We have observed reception over multi-pulse pulse-position (MPPM) modulation format for the case of strong atmospheric turbulence conditions modeled with Gamma–Chi-square turbulence model and have compared it with turbulence modeling distributions such are: Gamma–Gamma distribution, K-distribution, negative exponential distribution, log–normal distribution. First, we have provided closed-form analytical expressions for average bit error rate (ABER) at the reception for each observed case and then based on them, we have obtained numerical and Monte Carlo simulation results in order to observe turbulence level impact on system performance.

Vol. 53
Issue 1
pp. 111-126

5.35 MB
OPTICA APPLICATA - a quarterly of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology