Vol. 54, Issue 3, pp. 395-407 (2024)

Vol. 54 Issue 3 pp. 395-407

Robust encryption in diffractive-imaging-based encryption scheme using deep learning

Shibang Ma, Yi Qin, Qiong Gong, Hongjuan Wang


robust encryption, noise attack deep learning, diffractive-imaging-based encryption


Noise attack is a potential threat to optical cryptosystems because the contaminated ciphertext always yields degraded decrypted result. What is more, such contamination can hardly be eliminated by traditional methods, as the ciphertext itself is also a noise-like image. In this paper, we propose a deep-learning-based approach to deal with this problem. The contaminated ciphertexts, which produce unrecognized decrypted images, can yield high quality ones after being repaired by a deep neural network. We take the diffractive-imaging-based encryption (DIBE) scheme as an example to illustrate our method. Numerical results are presented to show the feasibility and validity of the proposal.

Vol. 54
Issue 3
pp. 395-407

2.44 MB

Corresponding address

Optica Applicata
Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology
Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27
50-370 Wrocław, Poland


Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology
Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27
50-370 Wrocław, Poland

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