Vol. 10, Issue 3, pp. 253-266

Vol. 10 Issue 3 pp. 253-266

Phase recovery from intensity distributions generated by differential operators in one-dimensional coherent imaging

Piotr Kiedro?


In the paper some examples of differential operators L are analysed which modify the amplitude of the band-limited signal f(x) is such a way that the measurement of intensities |f(x)|2 and |L[f(x)]|2 assures a unique recovery of the signal. Particular attention is drawn to an operator which may be realized by locating transmittance T(?) = 2A?+B in the exit pupil of the optical system. A simulation of the reconstruction process has been performed by applying an algorithm proposed in [10].

Vol. 10
Issue 3
pp. 253-266

0.61 MB
OPTICA APPLICATA - a quarterly of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology