Vol. 46, Issue 1, pp. 117-129

Vol. 46 Issue 1 pp. 117-129

Spectrally tunable light source based on light-emitting diodes for custom lighting solutions

Francisco J. Burgos-Fernández, Meritxell Vilaseca, Esther Perales, Jorge A. Herrera-Ramírez, Francisco M. Martínez-Verdú, Jaume Pujol


solid-state lighting, light-emitting diodes, CIE standard illuminants, minimization algorithm, customized lighting design, radiometry


This study describes a novel spectral LED-based tunable light source used for customized lighting solutions, especially for the reconstruction of CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) standard illuminants. The light source comprises 31 spectral bands ranging from 400 to 700 nm, an integrating cube and a control board with a 16-bit resolution. A minimization algorithm to calculate the weighting values for each channel was applied to reproduce illuminants with precision. The differences in spectral fitting and colorimetric parameters showed that the reconstructed spectra were comparable to the standard, especially for the D65, D50, A and E illuminants. Accurate results were also obtained for illuminants with narrow peaks such as fluorescents (F2 and F11) and a high-pressure sodium lamp (HP1). In conclusion, the developed spectral LED-based light source and the minimization algorithm are able to reproduce any CIE standard illuminants with a high spectral and colorimetric accuracy able to advance available custom lighting systems useful in the industry and other fields such as museum lighting.

Vol. 46
Issue 1
pp. 117-129

0.56 MB
OPTICA APPLICATA - a quarterly of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology