Vol. 46, Issue 2, pp. 317-330

Vol. 46 Issue 2 pp. 317-330

Propagation in dielectric rectangular waveguides

Kim Ho Yeap, Kai Hong Teh, Kee Choon Yeong, Koon Chun Lai, Mey Chern Loh


dielectric rectangular waveguide, transverse wave numbers, attenuation coefficient, surface impedance, propagation constant, fundamental mode


We present a fundamental and accurate approach to compute the attenuation of electromagnetic waves propagating in dielectric rectangular waveguides. The transverse wave numbers are first obtained as roots of a set of transcendental equations developed by matching the fields with the surface impedance of the wall. The propagation constant is found by substituting the values of transverse wave numbers into the dispersion relation. We have examined the validity of our model by comparing the computed results with those obtained from Marcatili’s equations and the finite element method. In our results, it is shown that the fundamental mode is identical with that found in a perfectly conducting waveguide. Our analysis also shows that a hollow waveguide is found to have much lower attenuation than its dielectric counterparts. Since the cutoff frequency is usually affected by the constitutive properties of the dielectric medium, for a waveguide designed for wave with the same cutoff frequency, hollow waveguides turn out to be relatively larger in size.

Vol. 46
Issue 2
pp. 317-330

0.25 MB
OPTICA APPLICATA - a quarterly of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology